It doesn’t have to
It’s a classic scenario – you’ve got important plans you made weeks ago, when a client wants a last-minute showing.
a) Cancel all your plans immediately and book the showing. This could be it! b) Tell them you’ll book something for next week, and risk losing the sale. c) Wait… there’s another option?
You’re not alone if you find it tough to navigate your personal and work life balance. There are thousands of articles out there on how cell phones, social media, and competitive job markets have led to a lifestyle of always working. But trust me – creating some personal time doesn’t mean you have to risk losing your sales, and it’s critical when you run your own business.
Figure out how you like to work. If you’re a person that loves the thrill and excitement of closing that sale no matter what – at the risk of always being available to your clients – that’s great. However, that work style may not work for everyone, and may not be sustainable in the long run. If you prefer having set hours that you respond to messages and clients, that’s great too. You might find it easier to manage your personal life, but there could be implications from a client perspective as well. A lot of it will come from managing expectations and the communication you have with your clients. Be true to you: if you know you’re the kind of person that needs alone time – having a working model of “always on call” might not be for you.
In the long run, experts say time off to recharge is critical to your long term success. And as hard as it is, when you’re self-employed and feel like you should always be connected, remember: it’s okay to take some personal time.